Currently the school offers ‘Professional Communication’ to I/II Semester B.Tech students, ‘Engineering Economics’ as well as ‘Principles of Management’ to V and VI Semester B.Tech students. The school also offers Minor in Management and Minor in Economics for the B.Tech students. Further, the school offers select elective courses such as Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, Financial Management, Entrepreneurs Development and Management etc. to the students.

Master of Business Administration (Full Time)

The Master in Business Administration (MBA) programme was started with the purpose of administering quality management education to aspiring managers to mould them as competent professionals and good human beings. Students are selected based on their CAT/MAT/GATE scores and a rigorous round of Group Discussion and Personal Interviews. The students have access to well-equipped classrooms and laboratories. Evaluations are done on a continual basis, thus ensuring accurate monitoring and feedback on students' performance. The achievements of MBA students in academics, co-curricular and extracurricular activities speak about the quality of skills imparted by the Institute. The MBA curriculum is highly contemporary and is reviewed regularly by acclaimed academicians and industrialists in the country.

The Course Breakup is as shown below: The curriculum/program of instruction consists of the following:

  • Credit-based curriculum of 90 credits (mandatory for conferring Degree).
  • 2-year duration program divided into 4 semesters.
  • Foundation courses (8) and Functional courses (10) to be compulsorily taken by all the students of the program.
  • Elective courses offered in 6 different groups: Human Resource Management, Marketing, Finance, Operations, Analytics and General Electives
  • Mandatory Learning Courses (MLC)
  • Projects

The school also teaches ‘Managerial Economics’ and ‘Accounting and Financial Management’ to PG (MCA) and ‘Construction Economics and Accounting’ to M. Tech (Construction Technology and Management) students. Apart from this, the school floats optional courses such as Engineering Entrepreneurship. Accounting and Financial Management, Marketing Management, Business Policy, Human Resource Management amongst several others.


PhD in Economics, Management and English & Comparative Literature

Over the past 20 years the School has been active in research and development. The school offers PhD Programs in Management, Economics and Literature. More than 30 scholars from this school graduated with the PhD degree so far. Currently, the school has 58 Research Scholars (considering both full time and part time) pursuing PhD in different areas.

Areas of research topics include Strategic Management, Marketing Management, Financial Management, Human Resources Management, Operations Management, Sustainable Development, Indian Coffee, Engineering Economics, Agricultural Economics, Economics of Technological Change, Comparative Literature, Translation Studies, Indian Classical Music, Production and Operations Management, Information Systems and Analytics, Behavioural Sciences, Quantitative Techniques, International Business Management.


Contact us

Prof. Ritanjali Majhi
Head, School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka
Post: Srinivasanagar, Surathkal, Mangalore - 575025
Karnataka, India.
Phone: 0824-2473200 (Office)
Hot line: 0824-2474031


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