Upcoming Events


Completed Events

  • Two Day International Conference on Gender Studies on 21&22 September 2023. Click to view the brochure.
  • Five-Day Virtual Workshop on Certification & Standardization Practices for Safe & Secure Automotive and Healthcare Systems. 02-06 August 2021. Contact sreejith.nitk [at] gmail.com
  • Two Day International Conference On Sustainable Learning : Strategies And Consequences In Digital India,  Organised by School of Management, NITK, Surathkal and Department of Humanities and Sciences, NIT Goa. Dates:  June 5-6 , 2021, Contact Id :  slsc@nitgoa.ac.in, Organisers: Dr.Sheena, NITK Surtahkal, Dr.Sarani Ghosal, NIT Goa: Conference Brochure 
  • Five Day International Online Workshop on Climate Smart Agriculture : Opportunities & Challenges jointly organised by NITK Surathkal and Hiroshima University, Japan & Tata Institute of Social Science, Hyderabad Sponsored by ICSSR(India) – JSPS(Japan) Project. 23-27 October 2020. 
  • School of Management is organizing Management Development Programme for Supervisory Level Executives of MRPL Mangalore, Title: Building Leaders for Excellence from 13th January to 17th January 2020 at NITK. Coordinators - Dr.Rashmi Uchil  and Dr. Suprabha K R
  • School of Management is organizing Management Development Programme for Middle Management Executives of MRPL Mangalore, Title: Competency Building for Transitions from Managers to Leaders, Date: 20th January – 24th January, 2020 at NITK. Coordinators - Dr.Rashmi Uchil  and Dr. Suprabha K R
  • TEQIP-III Sponsored  Continuing Education Program on Computational Intelligence and Statistical Data Analytics, 3-7 December, 2018. SoM Coordinator- Ritanjali Majhi
  • GIAN Course on Environmental Economics And Sustainable Development: Theory And Methodology For Valuation, November, 19 – 23 November, 2018. Course Coordinator- Pradyot Ranjan Jena
  • GIAN course on the topic 'Randomized Control Trials (RCTs) and Non-Experimental Approaches to Program Evaluation and Research Design' during 23 - 27 October, 2017. Course Coordinator- Pradyot Ranjan Jena
  • National Workshop on Big Data Analysis, 1-2 April, 2016.
  • International Summer University Program 2016, February 19 to March 3, 2016.
    School of Management, NITKSurathkal is organizing 'International Summer University- 2016' partnering with HEIG- VD, Western Switzerland and Beijing Institute of Technology, China during February 19 to March 3, 2016. The inauguration of the program is scheduled to be held on Sunday, 21st February in the main seminar hall at 10 AM.
  • Special lecture by Prof. Bhaba Krishna Mohanty , IIM Lucknow on topic  "Managerial  Decision making under uncertain environment" , 2.30 pm SOM Seminar hall , 15th October 2015.Followed by a demo of real case of decision making for oil exploration using Microsoft Excel.
  • Invited lecture by Sudarshnan Karkal , Alumni of NITK, 2005 IT Discipline , presently working for  Intel , on topic  " Startup in IT sector :scope and challenges" ,followed by a demo of the product . 20th October , 2015 -2pm , SOM Seminar hall.
  • One day workshop on 'Challenges in Banking and Capital Markets'- was organized by Mr. Anil Kumar M and Mr. Shridev, Research Scholars of the School on 24 September 2015, between 1- 5 PM in the Main Seminar Hall. 
    The event was inaugurated by Shri. Govindraj, Chief Manager, State Bank of India, NITK, Surathkal.  In his inaugural address, he pointed out the 'Challenges in Banking and Capital Markets in India’. Prof. A H Sequeira, Head, School of Management, NITK delivered the key note address.
    The Resource Person for the first session was Shri. T.V. Bhat, Retd. General Manager, Syndicate Bank. He stressed the need for banking development for inclusive growth, challenges and remedies to enhance stake holders’ value by the Indian Banking System. The second session was delivered by Prof. Radha Krishna Sharma, Professor at NITTE, SEBI Financial Education Resource Person and Resource Person for conducting Investor Awareness Programs by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. of India. Sharma emphasized on understanding the opportunities and challenges faced by the Indian capital markets with special reference to the global markets. The program participants were from various institutions in around Mangalore and 110 students of B.Tech and MBA have attended the program.
  • One day workshop on “Cyber Security and Risk Mitigation Frame work” was organized by Dr. Sreejith Alathur and Prof. A H Sequeira on September 30, 2015. The event was inaugurated by Prof. Swapan Bhattacharya, Director NITK. In his inaugural address, he pointed out the importance of Cyber Security in the context of Digital India . Prof. A H Sequeira, Head, School of Management NITK delivered the key note address. The focus of the workshop was to sensitize information security related challenges, threat sources, its disruptive nature and the target of attacks. Manu Zacharia President, Information Security Research Association, spoke on the current trends in Information Security with focus on Critical Infrastructure Protection. Advocate Shyam Padman, Cyber Law Expert explained the legal regime governing ICTs and interface of Law and Technology. Dittin Andrews, CDAC Bangalore pointed out the use of search engines like Google and Shodan in security auditing. Dr Sreejith Alathur, coordinator of the workshop, talked about risk transfer through Cyber Insurance. Muraleedhran N, CDAC Bangalore demonstrated the need for Network Traffic Analysis from Security Perspective. The event was attended by participants from various organizations across the nation.
  • "NHRD Connect Program”  hosted by MBA HR (Team HR for You) club  on Saturday, August 29 2015 in the NITK Main seminar hall
    Resource persons from industry  included:
    Prabodh Sirur, Vice President - HR at Manipal Technologies Ltd.
    Joy Devasia's, ‎Location Leader and AVP & Lead - BPO Delivery at Mphasis.
    Vidyaranya Kollipal, HR Leader – Mphasis.
    Mr. Bhaskar Chickanjundappa - Co-Founder & Managing Director at i-Point Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd., Former Head of Infosys, Mangalore Development Center.
    The connect program entitled ‘Generation Y at the workplace'  provided opportunity to students from different B-Schools to interact with the best HR professionals and experts from the corporate world. About 100 Students from different Institutions came together to learn and acquire more insights with the help of Experts from the industry. This has also provided them an excellent platform to interact and exchange experiences.
  • Special lecture by Prof. Sudhir K Jain , IIT Delhi, on 'Intellectual Property Rights  ' - 24th August 2015 , Venue : MBA seminar hall.
  • Special lecture by  Mr. Nihal D'Souza , Advocate   on  'Arbitration-A necessary tool for Indian businesses'  - 17th August 2015 , Venue : MBA seminar hall
  • Special Lecture by Mr. C. Gnana Sekara Baburao [Director of Industrial Safety and Health Tamil Nadu (DISH)/ Chairman for the National Safety council Tamil Nadu Division] on the topic "Modern Methodologies in Management of Industrial Safety and Workers Health" on 07 August 2015 at 11 AM in the MBA Seminar Hall.
  • Special talk on " My life experiences" by Mr. Bhupal GopalaPresident Governing Council of NITK Alumni Association Surathkal  - 07/08/2015 3.30 pm venue:Main bldg seminar hall.
  • One day National Conference on ‘Emerging Issues in Banking and Finance in Technology Driven Economy’, Coordinator Dr. Suprabha K. R, February 2015. Click Here
    The One-Day National Conference on "Emerging Issues in Banking and Finance in a Technology Driven Economy" was organized by the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal   on 20 February 2015.  Sri G. Gopal Krishna, Director, Centre for Advanced Financial Research and Learning (CAFRAL), Reserve Bank of India was the Chief Guest at the Inaugural Function.  In his keynote address, he spoke on emerging issues such as the revised capital adequacy norms; Banking Reforms especially with regard to the functional autonomy and the operational flexibility for the Indian Banking System; Financial Inclusion and Use of Technology; Data Mining for Risk Management; Financial Literacy and the Governance Issues before the Government and the RBI. Dr N K Thingalaya, Former CMD, Syndicate Bank in his Guest Lecture spoke about how the ATMs have come to play a big role in Financial Inclusion and how computerization has percolated to the grass roots i.e., the Grameena banks of the country. Prof. Swapan Bhattacharya,  Director NITK, in his presidential address was highly appreciative of the contribution of the Indian banks to the ever changing  socio- economic  realities  and showed his concern about the role of  academics which seemed to be disconnected from the practical world.  He hoped that the local banks could make use of the technological expertise of NITK in solving real time issues. Prof. A H Sequeira, Head of the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management welcomed the gathering. Dr Suprabha K R, convenor of the conference informed about the day’s proceedings and the relevance of the conference. A Colloquium on the Theme "Developments in Economy, Banking and Finance" was organized as a part of the conference. Dr. M. S. Moodithaya, Nitte University, chaired it . Panel Experts were Prof. Partha Ray,  IIM C, Dr. Meera Aranha,  Karnataka Bank Ltd., Prof. Mallikarjunappa, Professor,  Mangalore University.  Nearly 40 technical papers on various themes related to the conference were presented at the conference. More than 150 delegates from reputed Institutions from all over India attended. Dr Suprabha K R, proposed the vote of thanks. Ms. Deepali Mallya , research scholar was the MC for the inaugural function.
  • Two day National Conference on 'Outcome Based Education', Coordinators: Dr Dhishna P and Dr. Bijuna C Mohan16th and 17th January 2015. The two-day National conference on 'Outcome Based Education' was inaugurated on 16 January 2015. It was organised by the Department of Humanities, Social sciences and Management, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal.  Prof Mathew J. Manimala , Chairperson for Organizational Behaviour & Human Resource Management, IIM, Bangalore was the chief guest of the function. He explained the need for building a bridge between the relevance of Outcome Based Education & its application in the Indian educational scenario. He established the need for self-conviction rather than imposed discipline & conviction in learning. Prof. D. K. Subramanian , Former Dean of IISc, Bangalore and  Guest of Honor, stressed on the necessity of converting principles into practice considering the plight of Indian education scenario Dr. Subramanian. He commented on the sad plight of research in India in comparison with the West. Prof. A.H Sequeira, Head, Dept. of HSSM briefed about the objectives and relevance of the conference. Prof. Prasad Krishna, TEQIP II Coordinator, explained the need to go back to our roots and be inspired by our Gurus such as Dronacharya to inculcate the qualities of Outcome Based Education. The program was presided by Prof. Kandasamy, Director-in-charge of NITK, SurathkalDr. Dhishna P. delivered the welcome address and Dr. Bijuna C. Mohan delivered the vote of thanks.
  • One day Workshop on 'Mobile Health' - Organizers Dr. Sreejith Alathur and Dr. Jeny RajanCo-coordinator Dr. A.H. Sequeira, 21 November 2014. 
    Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management and Department of Computer Science and Engineering of National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Mangalore has organized a  workshop on Mobile Health on November 21st, 2014. The workshop objective was to  sensitize the participants about the use mobile technology for improving quality of health care services. It also created  awareness about the mobile solutions and research opportunities in the areas of technology enabled health care. Prof. Biju Soman from  Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology (SCTIMST), Thiruvananthapuram, delivered an expert lecture on mobile technologies, its’ opportunities and challenges in public health care services. Dr. Mohit Tahiliani , NITK  explained the ongoing research in mobile computing and health data. Dr. Neelesh Bhandari, CEO of Digital Medcom briefed about Initiatives in mHealth and changing perception of mHealth and the Indian mHealth markets trends. Prof. A.H.Sequeira, HOD in his inaugural message addressed the importance of workshop initiatives in mHealth and Dr. Annappa, HOD  emphasised on the need for interdisciplinary research in this domain. Participants included faculty and students from Medical , Nursing  and Engineering colleges
  • One day Workshop on 'Research Methodology' - Dr. S Pavan Kumar  -Coordinator, Dr. A.H. Sequeira Co-coordinator, 16 November 2014.
    A One day workshop on “Research Methodology and Structural Equation Modeling” was held on 16th November at National Institute of Technology Karnataka . The program was sponsored by TEQIP-II. The aim of the workshop was to implant confidence among the research scholars in understanding and analyzing the data and interpreting the results properly. The first session was on Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), which was handled by Prof. A. H. Sequeira, HOD. He emphasized on understanding the characteristics of the available data from various perspectives, especially through graphically representations. The second session was delivered by Prof. R. Sridharan, Dean (Faulty Welfare), National Institute of Technology Calicut (NITC) on Inferential Statistics and covered some of the very important concepts in Hypothesis Testing. Third session was  by Dr. S. Pavan Kumar, Assistant Professor and covered Structural Equation Modeling, which includes developing and testing measurement and structural models. About 125 participants attended and benefited by the workshop. 
  • Special  Lecture on 'Capital Market Awareness Program' By Mr. Sumeet Nayak, Vice President, Lotus Knowlwealth, on Wednesday, 15 October 2014 at 3 P.M. Venue: MBA Seminar Hall
    The Department  organized a special Talk on " Capital Market Awareness Program" by Ms. Suvarna Joshi (Vice President, Lotus KnowlWealth) on Wednesday,  15th October 2014. As part of the Union Finance Ministry's initiative, Bombay Stock Exchange  has identified Lotus Knowlwealth (LKW) as  Knowledge Partner.  Ms. Suvarna highlighted the need for awareness among college students on  various financial products available in the markets and  investments across asset classes like Equity, Debt and Gold. She  opined that investing in more than one avenue is always better and investing at a very early age is more profitable. The program was was attended by mixed group of  student and faculty participants.  Dr. Suprabha K. R , Jt. convener welcomed  and Prof. A. H. Sequeira, convener of the program thanked the gathering.
  • Special  Lecture on 'Monetary Economics and Business Cycles'  By Dr. Kishore Chandra, EPGP IIM, Bangalore, on Friday, 10th October 2014 at 1.30 P.M. Venue: Main Seminar Hall (Main Building)
    Department of HSM, NITK organized a special lectureon “Monetary Economics and Business Cycles”by  Dr. Kishore Chandra (EPGP, IIM Bangalore) on October 10th, 2014.  More than a hundred students participated and were spell bounded in the words of Dr. Kishore Chandra for about four hours. The talk started with the introduction of economics and money .Then Dr. Kishore Chandra made the students aware about the importance of economics and the concept of Austrian Economics. While the first session was mainly concentrated on covering the basics and importance of economics, the second session of the talk took the audience through the history of the world economics, petro-dollar, gold-silver and the current cash flow scenario.
    The  students from all the U G branches of B.Tech first year to Final year , MBA students and faculty attended . In the words of Prof A.H. Sequeira, “What Dr. Kishore Chandra covered in the talk today was more than what we will get after reading around more than 25 books on world economy and his delivery of the talk in the style of story-telling by Dr. Kishore Chandra was unparallel”. The response from the crowd was equally great and enthusiastic and Dr. Kishore Chandra spent next four hours talking about economics to a small bunch of enthusiast students."ChandraketanSahu , Final year CSE student coordinated the program.
  • Seminar on 'Financial Education'- in collaboration with Securities and Exchange Board of India by Mr. Anil Kumar M, Research Scholar and SEBI Resource Person, on 19th September 2014, between 4- 6 PM in the HSSM Seminar Hall. 
    The  Department  organized a workshop on Financial  Education in collaboration with  Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) on 19 September 2014. The SEBI Resource Person Mr. M Anil Kumar stressed the need for making the college students aware of financial education , different financial products traded  in the markets, risks , inflation effects on investments , saving and loans  . The program participants were  PG student and Faculty  of various institutions and   NITK. The Chief Guest NITK, Surathkal Director Prof. Swapan Bhattacharya in his inaugural speech highlighted the significance of such a workshop especially in the present context when India’s economy is at growth stage after a long period. Head of the Department Prof.A. H. Sequeira presided over the workshop.
  • Workshop on 'Workplace Sensitisation' on 22 November 2013 coordinated by Dr. Shashikantha K
  • Two days Workshop on 'Management of Human Resources in a Technology Driven Economy' held during 8th and 9th of March 2013 coordinated by Dr. Shashikantha K and Dr. S. Pavan Kumar
  • STTP: ‘Effective Teaching Methodologies’, sponsored by Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP) phase II, coordinated by Dr. K.B. Kiran and Dr. B.M. Dodamani

Contact us

Prof. Ritanjali Majhi
Head, School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka
Post: Srinivasanagar, Surathkal, Mangalore - 575025
Karnataka, India.
Phone: 0824-2473200 (Office)
Hot line: 0824-2474031

Email: hodsom@nitk.edu.in 

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