Managerial Economics

Course Name: 

Managerial Economics (SM612)






Program Core (Pc)

Credits (L-T-P): 

(3-0-0) 3


Business Objectives and Business Decisions - Nature and scope of managerial economics, Economic theories, Firms Objectives, Profit maximization, Entrepreneurship, Manager Role, Managerial decisions. Demand Analysis, Forecasting and Market Structure - Demand determinants, types of demand, Demand function, Demand Elasticity’s, Demand forecasting -methods, market structure, type of competitions, price and output decisions under perfect and imperfect competition. Monopoly, Monopolistic, Oligopoly competitions, safeguarding competition and anti-trust lanes. Production, Pricing and Profit Management - Production theory, Determinants of price, Pricing structure, Price discrimination, Pricing of joint products, Pricing methods, statutory price fixation in India, Price discounts and differentials, Nature of profit, profit policy, measurement, planning and forecasting. Decision Techniques and Capital Budgeting - Optimization, Resource allocation, Evaluation alternatives, formulation of linear programming problem, marketing decision concepts, Introduction to capital budgeting, Types and evaluation of investment decisions. Data of Macroeconomics - National income, Aggregate demand and expenditure, saving and Investment, Trade cycle and control, International trade, Balance of payments and Foreign exchange. Money System - Market for money, Interest rates, the capital market - banks, stock exchange, multiplier and accelerator. Case Studies.


1. Mote V.L Paul Samuel and Gupta G.S. "Managerial Economics", McGraw -Hill, 1985
2. Craig Petersen H. and Cris Lewis W., "Managerial Economics", Prentice Hall of India,2000
3. Dwivedy D.N., "Managerial economics", Vikas Publishing House, 1995.
4. Mcguigam, "Managerial Economics Applications Strategy and tools", South Western,2002
5. N. Gregory Mankiw. "Principles of Economics", (3rd Ed) Thomson, 2002.


Humanities, Social Sciences and Management

Contact us

Prof. Ritanjali Majhi
Head, School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka
Post: Srinivasanagar, Surathkal, Mangalore - 575025
Karnataka, India.
Phone: 0824-2473200 (Office)
Hot line: 0824-2474031


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