Ritanjali Majhi


Professor and Head

Date of Joining at NITK: 

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Professional Experience: 

Total 16 years and at NITK 4 years

Contact Details


ritanjali [at] nitk.edu.in


Faculty (author) Identifiers
Academic Background

PhD in Analytical Marketing, Birla Institute of Technology,2009

Research Experience and Collaboration
1.Liverpool University, UK
2.Sheffield University, UK

Areas of Interest

Consumer decision making, Time series Prediction, Artificial intelligence and soft and evolutionary application to Management, Marketing effectiveness metrics , E-Marketing, Marketing Analytics

Significant Projects

1. Project title: Evaluating the potential of circular agri-food systems on improving the socio-economic conditions of farmers, Amount: Rs 54.02 lakh Funded By- SPARC, GoI, Duration 2023-2025
2. Project Title: Impact of Soil Health Card Scheme on Productivity and Income of the Smallholder Farmers: A Randomized Control Trials Experiment in Eastern India. Funded by Asian Development Bank Institute worth USD 80,000, Duration 2021-2023
3. Project Title: Efficient Solutions for Management of Household Waste A multi-Stakeholder Approach. Funded by: ICSSR, IMPRESS, Duration 2019-2021
4. Project Title: Adaptation of Climate Smart Agriculture Practices: Challenges and Opportunity for Indian Smallholder Farmers Amount: RS48.18 lakh Funded By- SPARC, GoI, Duration 2019-2021

Out Reach Academic Activity
1. Board of studied (BOS), Department of Management, National Institute of Technology, Andhrapradesh (NIT AP)
2.Board of studies(BOS) MSC Business Analytics, Manipal University.

Supervision of Ph.D

3 Completed 5 Ongoing

Significant Publications

International Journal
1.Prithvi TN, PR Jena , Ritanjali Majhi, Impact of COVID-19 on the Indian seaport Transportation and Maritime Supply Chain accepted in Journal of Transport Policy, Elsevier,2021
2.P.R. Jena, Ritanjali. Majhi, R. Kalli, S. Managi, and B. Majhi (2021) Impact of COVID-19 on GDP of major economies: Application of the artificial neural network forecaster. Economic Analysis and Policy, Volume69, Pages324-339.
3.Analysis and prediction of COVID‐19 trajectory: A machine learning approach, Ritanjali Majhi, Rahul Thangeda, Renu Prasad Sugasi, Niraj Kumar, Journal of public affairs, e2537,2020.
4.Behavior and perception of the younger generation towards green products, Ritanjali Majhi, Journal of Public Affairs, e2288,2020
5.Development and comparative performance evaluation of neural network classification techniques for manufacturing sector firms on the basis of new product growth rate, Vikas Bhatnagar, Ritanjali Majhi, International Journal of Business Information Systems,33, 2,pp157-179,2020
6.Predicting numbers of successful new products to launch using soft computing techniques: A case of firms from manufacturing sector industries, Vikas Bhatnagar,Ritanjali Majhi,Sunil SahadeJOURNAL OF KING SAUD UNIVERSITY COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES PISSN: 13191578, 32, 2020 Pages: 254- 265
7.Consumer Acceptance towards Renewable Energy Transition, Ritanjali Majhi, and A Banerjee, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ACCOUNTING AND MANAGEMENT PISSN: 23256192, 3 7 2019 Pages: 279- 290
8.An application of artificial neural network classifier to analyze the behavioral traits of smallholder farmers in Kenya, P R Jena, And Ritanjali Majhi, Evolutionary Intelligence, 08 October 2018 1 2018.
9.P.R. Jena, Ritanjali Majhi and B. Majhi, (2015). Development and Performance Evaluation of a Novel Knowledge Guided Artificial Neural Network (KGANN) Model for Exchange Rate Prediction. Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences, DOI: 10.1016/j.jksuci.2015.01.002.
10.T.Rahul, Ritanjali Majhi”, Development and performance evaluation of nonlinear and robust adaptive models for customer growth prediction in Telecom sector, “International Journal of business information system(IJBIS) ,19(1), 1-18, 2015
11.T.Rahul, Ritanjali Majhi”, An adaptive nonlinear approach for estimation of consumer satisfaction and loyalty in mobile phone sector of India, “ Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services”(21)570- 580, May 2014.
12.S.K.Mishra, G.Panda and Ritanjali Majhi” Constrained portfolio asset selection using multiobjective bacteria foraging optimization” Journal of Operation Research,Springer,14(1), 113-145, 2014.
13.S.K. Mishra, G.Panda and Ritanjali Majhi “A comparative performance assessment of a set of multiobjective algorithms for constrained portfolio assets selection”, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation , Elsevier,16, 38-51,2014
14.M.Rout, B.Majhi, Ritanjali Majhi, and G. Panda” Forecasting of currency exchange rates using an adaptive ARMA a model with differential evolution based training”, Journal of King Saud University- Computer and information science,Elsevier, 26(1),7-18,2014
15.Ritanjali Majhi, B. Majhi and G. Panda, “Development and performance evaluation of neural network classifiers for Indian internet shoppers”, expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier,39(2),pp2112-2118, Jan 2012.
16.B.Majhi, M.Rout, Ritanjali Majhi, G. Panda and P. J. Fleming, “New robust forecasting models for exchange rates prediction”, Expert systems with applications,Elsvier39(16),12658-12670 , 2012.
17.T.rahul and Ritanjali Majhi “Investigation on Mobile Users’ Growth Prediction performance in India” accepted in International Journal of Business, Management & Social Sciences , March 2012.
17.Ritanjali Majhi, G. Panda and T.rahul “Investigation on Identification of Profitable Target Markets for Indian online Shoppers”, International Journal of Advances in Management, Technology & Engineering Sciences, Vol.I Issuse6(II), March.2012
18.Ritanjali Majhi, “An Investigation on Customer Attitude and Perception towards Internet Banking: A Case Study” in International Journal of Information systems and Social Change(IJISSC),IGI Global Publishing, ISSN:1941-868X,USA,March 2011.
19.Ritanjali Majhi, G. Panda and G. Sahoo, “Efficient Prediction of Stock Market Indices using Adaptive Bacterial Foraging Optimization (ABFO) and BFO Techniques”, vol.36,issue6,pp. 100971104, Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier, August 2009.
20.Ritanjali Majhi, G. Panda and G. Sahoo, “Development and Performance Evaluation of FLANN based Model for Forecasting of Stock Markets”, vol. 36,issue 3,part 2, pp. 6800-6808, Expert Systems with applications, Elsevier, April 2009.
21.Ritanjali Majhi, G. Panda and G. Sahoo, “Efficient prediction of exchange rates using Low Complexity artificial neural network models”, vol.36, issue 1, pp.181-89, Expert systems with Applications, Elsevier, January 2009.
22.Ritanjali Majhi, G. Panda, A.Panda and G. Sahoo, “The Development of Improved Adaptive Models for Efficient Prediction of Stock Indices using CPSO and PSO Technique International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence, Inderscience Enterprises, UK, Vol. 1, no.1, pp.50-67,2008.

International Conference:
1.Prathvi TN, R. Majhi and Pradyot R. Jena (2020). Comprehensive Sustainability Performance Assessment of Major Seaports in India. Accepted for presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME 2020 Conference), Hongkong, June 10-13 2020.
2.Impact of Social Media Marketing on Brand Awareness, Ritanjali Majhi, 04th International Conference on Marketing, Technology & Society 2020, pp1-5
3.Effectiveness of retaining strategies and factors for building customer satisfaction and loyalty in the Indian telecom sector, Ritanjali Majhi, 04th International Conference on Marketing, Technology & Society 2020
4. Study on Port Performance dimensions and evaluation for Indian Major Sea Ports –A Conceptual Model, Prithvi Thumbe Narasimha, Ritanjali Majhi ,Pradyot Ranjan Jena, IAME Conference International Greece 25- 06- 2019
4. Jena, Pradyot Ranjan, and Ritanjali Majhi. "Classifying Behavioural Traits of Small-scale Farmers." Proc. of International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT-2016), Chennai, 3-5 March 2016.
5. Bhatnagar, Vikas, Ritanjali Majhi, and SL Tulasi Devi. "Efficient Prediction of New Product Growth Rate." Proc. of International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT-2016), Chennai, 3-5 March 2016.
6. S.Mishra, G.Panda, B.Majhi, and R.Majhi,” Improved Portfolio optimization Combining Multi objective Evolutionary Computing Algorithm and Prediction Strategy” presented in the 2012 International Conference of Financial Engineering, held in London, UK during 4-6, July 2012.
7. T.Rahul, R.Majhi,” Artificial Neural Network based Efficient Consumer Growth Prediction Scheme for Mobile Telecom Sector in India”– Accepted for presentation in International Conference in Marketing, IIM Lucknow, held on 12-14, January 2012.
8. T.Rahul, R.Majhi“ Applications of Neural Network In Marketing–Critical Review” 4 international Conference on Innovation in Management Challenges and Opportunities in the Next Decade”, PES Bangalore held on 11-12, August 2011.
9. S.Mishra, G.Panda, S.Meher, and R.Majhi, “A Study on Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms and its Application to Economics and Finance” International Conference on Electronic System (ICES-2011), January 7-9, NIT Rourkela 2011.
10. S.Mishra, G.Panda, S.Meher and R.Majhi, Mangal Singh, “Portfolio Management Assessment by four Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm” IEEE, International conference (RAICS-2011), Trivandrum September 23-25, pp.326-331.
11. Veena, R.Majhi, Naveen, T.Rahul” Customer Classification and GAP analysis in Banking Sector in Andhra Pradesh “2nd International Conference on IT & Business Intelligence” IMT, Nagpur held on 12-14, November 2010.
12. R.Majhi, B.Panda, B.Majhi, Rahul, GPanda” Development and Performance Evaluation of PSO Based Single Layer Nonlinear ANN Classifiers of Indian Online Shoppers”4th International Conference on ADVCOMP-2010, Italy, Florence, 25-30 October 2010.
13. R.Majhi, S.Pandu, B.Panda, B.Majhi, and G.Panda "Classification of Consumer Behaviour using Functional Link Artificial Neural Network", IEEE International Conference on
Advances in Computer Engineering (ACE-2010), Bangalore, 21-22 June 2010.
14. R.Majhi, B.Majhi, M.K.Mishra, and G.Panda, “Retail Sales forecasting using differential evolution”, IEEE International Conference on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing
(BICA 09), Bhubaneswar, PP.1343-1348, 9-11December 2009.
15. R.Majhi, B.Majhi, M.Rout, S.Mishra, and G.Panda, “Efficient sales forecasting using ARMAPSOmodel”, IEEE International Conference on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (BICA 09), Bhubaneswar, pp.1333-1337, 9-11 December 2009.
16. R.Majhi, G.Panda, and Babita Majhi, “Robust prediction of stock indices using PSO based adaptive linear combiner”, IEEE International Conference on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC09), Coimbatore, pp.312-317, 9-11 December 2009.
17. R.Majhi, G. Panda and B.Majhi, “Robust prediction of Stock indices using Wilcoxon NeuralNetwork”, IBS International Conference on Marketing and Business Strategy, Hyderabad,5-6 January 2009.
18. R.Majhi, G.Panda, G.Sahoo and Abhishek Panda, “Prediction of S&P 500 and DJIA stock indices using particle swarm optimization technique”, Proc. Of IEEE Congress on
Evolutionary Computation (CEC2008), HongKong, June 1-6, 2008.
19. R.Majhi, G.Panda, and G.Sahoo, “Stock market prediction using Functional Link Artificial Neural Networks”, Proc. Of 7th Consortium of Students in Management Research (COSMAR- 2007): An International Conference, IISc. Bangalore, 12-13 December 2007.
20. R.Mjahi, G. Panda and G.Sahoo, “A Novel ANN-based Forecasting Model for efficient prediction of stock indices”, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computing &
Communication Technologies (ICACCT-2007), Panipat, Haryana, 03-04, Nov. 2007, pp.318-326.
21. R.Majhi, G.Panda, G.Sahoo, P.K.Das, and D.P.Das, “Stock Market Prediction of S&P 500 and DJIA using Bacterial Foraging Optimization Technique”, IEEE International Congress
on Evolutionary Computation (CEC-2007), Singapore, 25-28, September 2007, pp.2569-2575.
22. R.Majhi, G. Panda and G.Sahoo, “Development of An Efficient Cascaded Functional Link Artificial Neural Network Model For Exchange Rate Forecasting”, Proc. Of International
conference on Intelligent Systems and Networks (IISN-2007), Haryana, 23rd-2th February 2007, Jagadhri, pp.242-246.
23.. R.Majhi, G.Panda, and G.Sahoo, “Efficient prediction of Foreign Exchange Rate using Nonlinear Single Layer Artificial Neural Model”, Proc. Of IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics & Intelligent Systems and Robotics Automation & Mechatronics -(CIS&RAM-2006), Bangkok, 7-9June, 2006, pp.1-5.

National Conferences:
1.T.Rahul and R.Majhi,” A Critical Review on Strategic Marketing”, National conference convergence on Management Practices” (NCCOMP-2010), 17-18 December 2010.
2. S.K.Mishra, G.Panda, Sukadev Meher and Ritanjali Majhi, “A Study on Applications of Multi Objective Evolutionary Algorithms in Computational Finance”, Proc. Of National
conference on Convergence on Management Practices” (NCCOMP-2010), 17-18 December, 2010.
3. V.Rakesh, R.Mohan. Ritanjali Majhi and G.Panda, “Prediction of SENSEX of BSE Using Functional Link Artificial Neural Network”, Proc. Of National Conference on
Convergence on Management Practices” (NCCOMP-2010),17-18 December 2010
4. S.K.Mishra, G.Panda, Sukadev Meher and Ritanjali Majhi, “Efficient prediction of major financial indices using Chevbyshev Functional Link Artificial Neural Network”, Proc. Of
National conference on Advances in computational intelligence and application (NCACI-2009), 20-22 March 2009.
5. SudhansuKumar Mishra, Ganapati Panda, Sukadev Meher, Ritanjali Majhi. "Efficient Prediction of Major Financial Indices using Chebyshev Functional Link Artificial Neural
Network” NCACI, March 20-22, 2009. Silicon Institute of Technology, Odisha, India.
6. R.Majhi and G.Panda,” Adaptive models for prediction of car sales”, National conference on Advances in computational intelligence and application (NCACI-2009), 20-22 March 2009.
7. R.Majhi, G.Panda and Babita Majhi, “Robust forecasting of foreign exchange rates using low complexity Wilcoxon norm-based artificial neural network model”, Proc. Of National conference on Forecasting Financial Markets in India (FFMI2008), IIT Kharagpur, 29-31 December 2008.
8. Ritanjali Majhi, G.Panda, and G.Sahoo, "Development and Evaluation of Knowledge Guided ANN Model for Exchange Rate Prediction", Proc. Of National Conference on Data Mining and e-Governance, Bilaspur, 17th Feb 2007.
9. A.Panda, S.S.Pallai, S.Mishra, Ritanjali Majhi and G.Sahoo “Development of Functional LinCyberSecurity, Data Mining and ICT for Society, Bilaspur,18-19, January 2006.
10. R.Majhi and B.Majhi, “Data Mining and Its Application to Steel Industry National Conference on IT in Steel Industry, CSI Rourkela Chapter, India, January 2002.
11. R.Majhi and B. Majhi, “Overview of E-Commerce”, Annual Technical Session, Institution of Engineers, Bhubaneswar, India, 17-18, January 2002. Artificial Neural Model for
Prediction Of Currency Values”, Proc. Of National Conference on Cybernetics & Intelligent Systems and Robotics Automation & Mechatronics - (CIS&RAM-2006), Bangkok, 7-9June, 2006, pp.1-5.

Book Chapters:
1.Deep Learning for Stock Index Tracking: Bank Sector Case, R Arjun, KR Suprabha, Ritanjali Majhi, Book chapter in book Evolution in Computational Intelligence Pages 295-304, Publisher Springer, Singapore, 2021.
2.Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning Techniques for Customer Churn Prediction in Telecommunication Sector, Handbook of Research on Automated Feature Engineering and Advanced Applications in Data Science, Pages,262-274,Publisher,IGI Global,2021
3.Mortality Prediction of ICU Patients Using Machine Learning Techniques, Biomedical Data Mining for Information Retrieval: Methodologies, Techniques, and Applications, (1–20), 2021, Scrivener Publishing LLC
4.R.Majhi, G. Panda and B. Majhi, "Efficient Prediction of Retail Sales Using Differential Evolution Based Adaptive Model", Integration of Swarm Intelligence and Artificial Neural Networks, World Scientific Press, May 2010.
5.R. Majhi, G.Panda and B.Majhi ”Efficient Retail Sales Forecasting Using BFO and PSO Based Prediction Models”, Handbook on Swarm Intelligence, Springer series, November 2000.
6.V. Bhatnagar and R. Majhi, “Development of an efficient nature-inspired based prediction model for new product production for different industries”, Accepted for publication in Modeling, Analysis, and Application of Nature Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms, IGI Publications

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Satapathy, S.C., Zhang, Y.-D., Bhateja, V., Majhi, R. 2021, 1177, Springer


Contact us

Prof. Ritanjali Majhi
Head, School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka
Post: Srinivasanagar, Surathkal, Mangalore - 575025
Karnataka, India.
Phone: 0824-2473200 (Office)
Hot line: 0824-2474031

Email: hodsom@nitk.edu.in 

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