

Associate Professor

Date of Joining at NITK: 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Professional Experience: 

18 years

Contact Details


sheena [at]
drsheenasuresh [at]


+91- 824 - 2474000 -3236 (Ext)


+91 8277028734
Faculty (author) Identifiers
Academic Background

•• Ph.D (University of Calicut ) 2011
• M.Com in Marketing (University of Calicut) in the year 2001
• MBA in Human Resource Management (IGNOU, New Delhi) 2007
• MA Psychology from IGNOU, New Delhi (2020)
• B.Ed (University of Calicut) 2002
• B.Com (University of Calicut) 1999

Areas of Interest

Strategic Brand Management
Rural Marketing
Consumer Behaviour
Marketing Research
Social Psychology

Significant Projects

1. Project on Impact of Technology Revolution in the Handloom Sector – Problems, Prospects and Challenges sanctioned by TEQIP-II, by granting a financial assistance of Rs.5,50,000/- (Completed and report submitted on March 2017)
2. UGC Major Project on Mitigation of Tribal Suicides through Economic Empowerment: Evaluating the functional roles of the governments and NGOs in eradicating the social, educational and economic backwardness among the Paniyans of Kerala sanctioned by University Grants Commission, New Delhi by granting a financial assistance of Rs.6,02,500/- (Completed on January 2017)
3. Project on Women Entrepreneurship and Tourism Development: A Study with special reference to SHGs in Karnataka and Kerala sanctioned by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) by granting a financial assistance of Rs.6,00,000/- (Completed on December 2015)
4. ICSSR-IMPRESS Major Project on BRAND INDIA: THE FUTURISTIC MEDICAL TOURISM HUB – A “MAKE IN INDIA INITIATIVE” sanctioned by the Indian Council for Social Science Research. (2019-2021)
5. Research Project titled , “EXPLORE – Experiential Learning Online Reengineering” sanctioned by PALS (Alumni Association of IIT Madras) on Experiential Learning through Virtual Labs by granting a financial assistance of Rs.24,00,000/- for a period of four years (2020-2024)

1. Awarded consultancy project from Mangalore Refineries Petroleum Limited for Rs. 8,85,000/- (Rs.7.5 lacs +GST) for organizing MDPs for the senior cadre employees on Emotional Empowerment and Transformational Leadership. (2017)

Supervision of Ph.D

3 awarded , 5 ongoing

Significant Publications
1. Komal Anand and Sheena (2022) :  "An Empirical Investigation on The Influence of Quality Factors Of AR-Based Mobile Apps and Its Role on Enhancing Satisfaction and Reuse Intention Behaviour", International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, (Scopus) (Accepted) 
2.Sudheer Muhammed K.M and Sheena, (2022) : Brand Rejuvenation: The Effects of Hypothetical Brand Extensions on Existing Brands, International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (IJSESD), (Scopus), DOI: 10.4018/IJSESD.301255
3. Goud, V.M., & Sheena, (2021). Exploring the nexus between internal branding and front-line employees’ performance in Indian public sector banks: serial mediation approach published in Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, Sage publishers (indexed in ABS, ABDC, ESCI, Scopus) DOI: 10.1177/09722629211039348
4. V.Madhusudhan Goud and Sheena:  Unraveling the relationship between internal branding and job outcomes: Front line employees perspective,  Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI), Volume 5, July 2021 : pp-3135- 3144  (Scopus)
5. Mahipalan M and Sheena: Examining the Role of Workplace Spirituality and Teacher Self-efficacy on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour of Secondary School Teachers: An Indian Scenario, Vision , Sage Publications ,Volume 23 (1), pp-80-90, 2019,  Scopus Indexed.
6. Mahipalan M and Sheena: Workplace spirituality and subjective happiness among high    school teachers: gratitude as a moderator , Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing,   Elsevier Publications , Vol :15, Issue 2, March-April 2019, pp:107-114 , Scopus and SCIE Indexed
7. Manju Mahipalan and Sheena: Role of Workplace Spirituality and Employee Engagement in Determining Job Satisfaction among Secondary School Teachers, Journal of Management Research, Volume 18, Number 4 , October–December 2018, pp: 211-225. (ICI & ABDC-C Category).
8. Mahipalan M and Sheena: Mediating Effect of Engagement on Workplace Spirituality – Job Involvement Relationships: A Study among Generation Y Professionals, Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, Sage Publications, March and June 2018, Vol 14/Nos 1 & 2 , pp : 1-9 (ICI & ABDC-C Category).
9. Mahipalan M and Sheena: Spirituality at work, OCBs and the moderating role of satisfaction among school teachers in India, Journal of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, Jan 2019, Vol.45, No: 1, 64-74. (Scopus Indexed)
10. Mahipalan M and Sheena: "Workplace Spirituality, Psychological Well-being and Mediating Role of Subjective Stress: A Case of Secondary School Teachers in India”, International Journal of Ethics and Systems, Vol. 35, Issue 4, pp.725-739, Emerald Publications (Scopus Indexed, ABDC-C).(DOI:
11. Sudheer K.M and Sheena: Medical Tourists’ Travel Motivations and Concerns : Asian- African Journal of Economics and Econometrics; Vol 17 No:1, 2017 : 189-206, Scopus Publication, ABDC  “C” Category.
12.  Kamath U. and Sheena, Implication of Brand Communication Strategies in Private Engineering Colleges: IOSR Journal of Business and Management, Vol : 17 ; Issue 11 pp : 04-11. 
13. Kamath U and Sheena,  Implications of Brand communication strategies in Private Engineering colleges , International Journal of Economic Research, 14 (17), pp: 1-13, ISSN : 0972-9380, November 2017. (Scopus Indexed).
14. Sheena, Effective Governance in through quality in Healthcare organisations: An Empirical Study: International Journal of Economic Research, No.14 (2017) Issue No. :15 (2017) Part-3, pp : 271-278
15. Sheena and G.Naresh, “Do Brand Personalities make a difference to Consumers?”, Procedia-Social and Behavioural Sciences 37 (2012),  ISSN: 1877-0428, pg:31-37 
16.Sheena and G.Naresh, “Brand Success Redefined: An Analysis of the Interrelationships among various Brand Dimensions”, Psychology Research, Vol 2,No:1, January 2012 , ISSN: 2159-5542 (Print), ISSN: 2159-5550 (Online) pg:32-39
Book Chapters in Edited Books:
1. Sheena and G.Naresh, Orchids in the Wild”: An Investigation into Entrepreneurial Education Effectiveness and Tourism Development among Women SHGs, Entrepreneurship Education – Experiments with Curriculum, Pedagogy and target groups, ISBN No: 978-981-10-3318-6, pg: 305-324,  Edited book published by Springer Publications, Published by Springer Nature, Singapore, 2017
2. Thomas . B and Sheena , Internationalisation of Incubatee SMEs : The Role of Government Supported Incubators, Transnational Entrepreneurship : Issues of SME Internationalisation in the Indian Context,  Published by Springer Nature, 2018 , pg 341 -362, Entrepreneurship and Development in South Asia: Longitudinal Narratives , ISBN 978-981-10-6297-1 ISBN 978-981-10-6298-8 (eBook), DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-6298-8  
1. Sheena and G.Naresh “Building Business with Brands : Effects of Brand Extension Decisions on Existing Brands”, Journal of Marketing Vistas , Vol 4. No. 2, July - December 2014, pp:1-7
2. Mahipalan .M and Sheena , Employee Engagement : A Literature Review, , OPUS : Organization People and Us, HR Journal, Volume 6,Issue 1 ISSN No: 0973-9866,Page No : 1-17 (ICI & Pro-questindexed)
3. Sheena , “Consumer attitude towards brand extensions – an integrative model from the Indian Perspective”, ICFAI Journal Of Brand Management, Vol VI Nos 3 & 4; ISSN:0972-9097; pg: 51- 62,2009
4. Sheena and Umesh , “A Comparative Study of Emotional Competency Dimensions among “Yuppies in the commercial capital of Kerala State, Cochin) in India”, Aatmbodh , Vol.VII .No.1, Spring, Vol VII- No.1; ISSN:0972-1398; pg:42-46,2010
5. Sheena and Umesh U. “The vanishing Sacred Groves (“Kavus”) in the ‘God’s own country’ and its ecological significance”, Atna: Journal of Tourism Studies, Vol V Dec issue; ISSN: 0975-3281, 2010
6. Sheena , Experiences and Challenges in empowering women through micro enterprises – A Case Study of Malappuram District in Kerala, Research Explorer,Vol 1, January-June 2012, ISSN : 2250-1940, Pg21-23
7. Sheena , “A Study Of Brand Awareness With Reference To Consumer Durables In The Rural Markets Of Vayanad, Kerala”, Global Research Review, Vol 1 No.1Dec 2011, ISSN:2250-2521 ,pg:161-168
8. Sheena , “An Insight into the Success of Brand Extensions – An Evaluation”, Journal Of Management and Science, Special Issue V, Marketing Challenges in the 21st Century, ISSN: 2249-1260, pg:45-54.
9. Sheena , “Ambush Marketing: An Undeserved Advantage”, Poseidon, Journal of Commerce, Management and Social Sciences, Vol. I, ISSN: 2319-6238, pg:180-185
10. Umesh and Sheena , “The Scenario of Global Healthcare Tourism: An Assessment of the performance of tourism contributors in God’s own country – Kerala state”, Poseidon, Journal of Commerce, Management and Social Sciences, Vol. II, ISSN: 2319-6238, pg:144 -151
• Chairperson, Internal Complaints Committee -SH of NITK Surathkal since July 4th, 2022.
• Received the “Outstanding Woman in Management Award” - major area of study in Marketing from the Centre of Advanced Research and Design, Venus International Foundation, Chennai, India on March 6th , 2020.
• Faculty in charge, Marketing and HR , IRIS Lead Team, NITK since 2019
• Outreach Coordinator, Centre for System Design, NITK since 2019.
• Licensee, TEDx NITK Surathkal since January2016.
• Received the “Best Paper Award” certificate and memento in the category of Empirical research at the International Consortium for Innovation and Entrepreneurship research and IIM, Bangalore held at IIM, Bangalore from 29th to 31st January, 2015. 
• Secured the highest grade, “Very Good” in the performance as a teacher based on Students’ Assessment as conveyed by the Vice-Chancellor of the Pondicherry University vide his letter of appreciation with a scale of grading consecutively for two years.
• 7th Rank Holder in M.Com (Marketing) for the year 2001 for which a rank certificate was awarded by Calicut University, Kerala
• Secured II Rank and awarded gold medal for Commerce under AISSCE (XII Std) for the year 1995-96.

Detailed CV: 


Contact us

Prof. Ritanjali Majhi
Head, School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka
Post: Srinivasanagar, Surathkal, Mangalore - 575025
Karnataka, India.
Phone: 0824-2473200 (Office)
Hot line: 0824-2474031


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