Gopalakrishna B V


Associate Professor

Date of Joining at NITK: 

Friday, November 23, 2012

Professional Experience: 

Total 23 Years

Contact Details


bvgopala [at]
bvgopala [at]


+91- 824 - 2474000 -3233 (Ext), 0821-2482008


+91 9480134970
Academic Background
  • Ph.D. University of Mysore, Karnataka, December 2010. Major Field: Human Development: (Development Economics)
  • MBA, IGNOU, New Delhi, March 2005 (International Business)
  • UGC-NET qualified, December 2000
  • M.A. (Economics), University of Mysore, Karnataka, April, 1999 (Banking and Finance)
  • B.A. (Economics, English and Journalism), University of Mysore, Karnataka, April 1996 
Areas of Interest

Engineering Economics, Managerial Economics, Construction Economics and Financial Management, Entrepreneurship Development, Business Environment and Economic Policy, Global Business Management, Micro and Macro Economics, Public Finance and International Business, Human Development, Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Research

Significant Projects

• Banking Habits of Women with reference to Dakshina Kannada
• Diversity and Discrimination in Higher Education Campuses: An Empirical Analysis

Supervision of Ph.D

4 (Completed) 3 (Ongoing)

Significant Publications

Papers Presented in Conferences (National and International)

1.    Gopalakrishna BV “Regional Disparities in Human Development: A Comparative Study of Mysore and Hassan Districts” (September 24-25 2010) Indian Business School (IBS) 4th International Doctoral Theses Conference, Hyderabad

2.    Gopalakrishna BV “Infrastructure and Human Development in India: An Inter-state Comparison” (January 4-5, 2011) Indian Business School (IBS) 7th International Conference on Economics and Finance, Bangalore

3.      Gopalakrishna BV (2012) “Progress of Human Development with Special Reference to SAARC Countries”, National Seminar on Economic Environment of Business, Aruna Manharla Shah Institute of Management and Research Mumbai, Maharashtra.

4.      Gopalakrishna BV “Economic Growth and Human Development: The Experience of Indian States January 10-20 2012) Indian Business School (IBS) 8th International Conference on Economics and Finance Bangalore, Karnataka.

5.      Gopalakrishna BV and Massand Ajay (2014) “Determinants of Foreign Banks Entry: An Empirical Investigation of Indian Economy”, International Conference on Business Paradigms in Emerging Markets December, 12-13. NIT, Rourkela

6.      Gopalakrishna BV and Ajay(2014) “Foreign Banks in India: Boon or Bane”, Two Days National Seminar on Foreign Direct Investment in Service Sector in Emerging Economy: Opportunities and Challenges (April, 24-25, 2014) Machilipatnam, Andhra Pradesh.

7.      Massand, A. B., and Gopalakrishna, B. V. (2015). “The Impact of Bank Foreign Direct Investment Inflow: An Empirical Analysis of Indian Domestic Banks” International conference on Global Economic Growth and Sustainability, SDM IMD, Mysore.

8.      Massand, A. B., and Gopalakrishna, B. V. (2015). “Do Foreign Banks in India follow their Home Clients? An Empirical Investigation.” National conference on Emerging Issues in Banking and Finance in a Technology Driven Economy, NIT Karnataka, Surathkal, Mangalore.

9.      Massand, A., & Gopalakrishna, B.V. (2016). “Determinants of Bank foreign direct investment inflow in India: A dynamic Panel data Approach.” held on 4th-6th January 2016 at IIMKozhikode, Calicut, India.

10.  Massand, A., & Gopalakrishna, B.V. (2016) “Impact of Foreign banks on Indian Commercial Banks: A Case of Post Liberalisation Period”, ANVESH-2016, Doctoral Research Conference in Management held on April 8th to 9th, 2016 at the Institute of Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad.

11.  Massand, A. B., and Gopalakrishna, B. V. (2016). “Impact Analysis of Foreign Banks’ Entry on Credit Supply in Indian Economy.” Fourth Pan-IIM World Management Conference, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIM A), Ahmedabad.

12.  Massand, A. B., and Gopalakrishna, B. V. (2016). “The Impact of Bank Internationalization on Indian Economy.” Fifth Middle East Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Banking, Dubai.

13.  Massand, A. B., and Gopalakrishna, B. V. (2016). “The Impact of Entry of Foreign Banks on the Indian Credit Market A GMM Approach” 2nd International Conference on Applied Economics and Business, Vaishnodevi University, Jammu.

14.  Doddahulugappa Goutam and Gopalakrishna B V (2017), “E-Tail Love! Antecedents of Fashion Products Consumer’s Website Commitment in Digital Marketing War”, Fifth PAN IIM World Management Conference at Indian Institute of Management, (IIM)., Lucknow.

15.  Doddahulugappa Goutam and Gopalakrishna B V (2017), “Exploration of Psychological Magnitudes of Satisfaction on Loyalty in Indian B2C ECommerce”, NASMEI Summer Marketing Conference at Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Indore.

16.  Doddahulugappa Goutam and Gopalakrishna B V (2017), “What Makes Indian Consumers to Trust Faceless? Exploration of Antecedents and Influence of Trust in Indian B2C E-Commerce”, 8th Conference on Excellence in Research and Education (CERE-2017) at Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Indore.

17.  Doddahulugappa Goutam and Gopalakrishna B V (2017), “An Empirical Study on Consumer E- Loyalty: With Reference to Generation-Y Online Shoppers”, 10th Doctoral Thesis Conference at IBS, Hyderabad.

18.  Doddahulugappa Goutam and Gopalakrishna B V (2019), “Causes and Magnitudes of Trust in ECommerce Context: An Emerging Economy Perspective”, IIMI-NASMEI Summer Marketing IS Conference, 2019. Organized by Indian Institute of Management, Indore.

19.  Doddahulugappa Goutam and Gopalakrishna B V (2019), “Importance of Satisfaction and Trust in Loyalty Development: In an Online Shopping Setting”, IIMI-NASMEI Summer Marketing IS Conference, 2019. Organized by Indian Institute of Management, Indore.

20.  Doddahulugappa Goutam, and Gopalakrishna B V (2019), “Understanding the Role of Satisfaction and Trust in Developing Loyalty in E-Commerce Environment”, International Marketing Conference, 2019. Organized by T. A Pai Management Institute, Manipal.

21.  Doddahulugappa Goutam and Gopalakrishna B V (2019), “Do You Trust Face- less? Determinants and Consequences of E-Trust in Online Shopping”, International Marketing Conference, 2019. Organized by T. A Pai Management Institute, Manipal.

22.  Gopalakrishna BV and Massand Ajay (2020) Globalisation Impact on Human Development: Evidence from Panel Data Analysis International Conference of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalisation: Three Decades of Experience in India 86-98, June 2020.

23.  Kalai Socrates and Gopalakrishna BV (2020) An Empirical Investigation of the Influence of Firm Performance on Exit Intention and Harvest Sale of Indian Micro and Small Enterprise Owners, International Conference of liberalization, Privatization and Globalisation: Three Decades of Experience in India 127-136, June 2020.

24.  Crystal Glenda Rodrigues and Gopalakrishna BV (2019) “Optimism and The Propensity to Take Financial Risks: A Study of Indian Individual Investors' at the 3rd Annual Conference in Banking and Finance on 'Fintech and Banking-The Road Ahead for the Indian Banking and Financial System' held on August 16 and 17, 2019 at International Management Institute (IMI), Bhubaneshwar

25.  Crystal Glenda Rodrigues and Gopalakrishna BV (2021) Does mood take the front seat in determining the financial risk-taking propensity of individuals? Evidence from India.' at the Global Conference on Innovations in Management and Business held on July 27th and 28th, 2021 at NIT Warangal

26.  Poornima and Gopalakrishna BV (2022) A Systematic Review of Environmental, Social, and Governance Investments During Covid-19 at the 1st International Conference on Economic and Public Policy (ICEP-!) held at IIM Shillong.

27.  Poornima and Gopalakrishna BV (2024) Sustainable Finance As a New Frontier in Corporate Sustainability: A Conceptual Paper at the 9th INDAM Conference 2024 on Creating Impact Through Responsible Leadership & Sustainable Business held at Goa Institute of Management, Goa

28.  Akshya and Gopalakrishna BV (2023) “Does Climate change affect the profitability of the energy sector: An Indian evidence”, The international research conference VISHLESHAN 2K23. International Institute of Management Studies, Pune.

29.  Akshya and Gopalakrishna BV (2024) “Climate Change and Stock Return: A Systematic Review for Future Research” International Conference on multidisciplinary approaches to SDGs & International Partners Meet, Rajagiri Business School, Kochi.

30.  Akshya and Gopalakrishna BV (2024) “The Impact of Temperature Change on the Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from the Indian Mining Sector”. International conference on Mining for a greener future: Technological developments and Sustainable Practices. Department of Mining Engineering-NITK


Paper Publications in Journals

1.      Massand, A., & Gopalakrishna, B. V. (2016). “ The Empirical investigation of the impact of foreign banks’ entry on the credit access: The Case of India” Journal of South Asian Development, SAGE Publications

2.     Massand, A., & Gopalakrishna, B.V. (2016). “The impact of bank foreign direct investment inflow: an empirical analysis of Indian domestic banks” Annamalai International Journal of Business Studies and Research (ISSN: 0975-749X).

3.     Massand, A. B., and Gopalakrishna, B. V. (2016). “The Impact of Entry of Foreign Banks on Credit Access: An Empirical Study on Indian Economy.” International Journal of Economic Research, 13(7), 2627-2642. 150

4.     Massand, A., and Gopalakrishna, B.V. (2017) “Determinants of bank foreign direct investment inflow in India: A dynamic panel data approach, IIM Kozhikode Society and Management Review, 6 (1), 13-22.

5.     Doddahulugappa Goutam and Gopalakrisha BV (2018), “Customer loyalty development in online shopping: An integration of e-service quality model and commitment-trust theory”, Management Science Letters. Vol. 8, No. 11, 1149-1158, Growing Science Publisher (SCOPUS)

6.     Doddahulugappa Goutam and Gopalakrisha BV (2018), “The Role of Satisfaction and Trust in Developing Loyalty in E-Commerce Environment”, International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, Vol. 5 No.2 (XV), 648-655

7.     Massand, A., and Gopalakrishna, B.V. (2018) “Credit Allocation to Diverse Sectors of Indian Economy: An Empirical Investigation of Foreign Banks Entry”, SAMVAD, 16 (2), 45-52.

8.     Massand, A., and Gopalakrishna, B.V. (2019) “Do foreign banks follow their hom clients in Indian states?”, Humanities and social science studies, Vol8. No.2, 16-24.

9.     Kalai Socrates and Gopalakrishna BV (2020) The Influence of Human Capital on the Exit Intention and Re-entry of Indian Micro and Small Enterprise Owners: An Empirical Investigation, Small Enterprises Development, Management and Extension Journal, Vol II, Pages 1-7. (SCOPUS) DOI.10.1177.09708464211032513

10.  Kalai Socrates and Gopalakrishna BV (2020) Investigating the Influence of Psychological Ownership on Exit Intention and Passing on Option of Indian Micro and Small Enterprise Owners, International Journal of Culture and Business Management, Vol. X, pages 330-368.

11.  Kalai Socrates and Gopalakrishna BV (2020) Phase-wise Analysis of Indian Support System for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development, International Journal of Business Policy and Governance, Vol. 07, Issue 01, pages 1-18

12.  Kalai Socrates and Gopalakrishna BV (2020) Indian Government Interventions in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development: An Enterprise Life Cycle Perspective, Colombo Business Journal, Vol.11, No.01, pages 132-164

13.  Kalai Socrates and Gopalakrishna BV (2021) An Analysis of the Indian Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for the Promotion of Sustainable Enterprises, Journal of Business and Management, International Organisation of Scientific Research, Vol 22, No. 2, pages 21-25 2021 (SCOPUS)\

14.  Doddahulugappa Goutam and Gopalakrishna BV (2021) Determinants of Customer Loyalty Dimensions: E-Commerce Contexts in Emerging Economy Perspective, Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organisations, Vol. 19, issue 01, January-March 2021. (SCOPUS) DOI10.1504/IJIMA.2021.115437

15.  Doddahulugappa Goutam and Gopalakrishna BV (2022) Technology readiness and e- service quality impact on purchase intention and loyalty, “Marketing Intelligence and Planning” Vol. 40, No.2, issue 2, 2022. (SCOPUS) DOI:10.1108/MIP-06-2021-0196

16.  Crystal Glenda Rodrigues and Gopalakrishna BV (2022) “Does mood take the front seat in determining the financial risk-taking propensity of individuals? Evidence from India”, SSRN Electronic Journal, DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4124232

17.  Crystal Glenda Rodrigues and Gopalakrishna BV (2022) “Optimism and Self-Control: Complementary Predictors Financial Risk-Taking Propensity Among Working Adults”, Indian Journal of Finance (SCOPUS) , DOI: 10.17010/ijf/2023/v17i7/170966

18.  Crystal Glenda Rodrigues and Gopalakrishna BV (2022) “Financial risk tolerance of individuals from the lens of big five personality traits – a multigenerational perspective”, Studies in Economics and Finance Emerald Publication Limited (SCOPUS) , DOI: 10..1108/SEF-01-2023-0013



 Book Chapters

1.    Gopalakrishna BV (2011) Human Development in India Volume 1, Serials Publication, New Delhi.

2.    Gopalakrishna BV and Leelavathi (2014) “Dimensions of Indian Economy: A Collection of Selected Articles”, Arvind Associates Publishing, Chennai.

3.     Massand, A., & Gopalakrishna, B. V. (2015). “Foreign banks in India: A boon or ban?” Foreign Direct Investment in Service sector in Emerging Economy: Opportunities and Challenges, Sucharitha publications, Andhra Pradesh, India.

4.    Doddahulugappa Goutam and Gopalakrisha BV (2019), “Examining the mediating roles of e-satisfaction, e-trust and E-commitment on cognitive loyalty development”, Marketing Mix- New Trend of 21st Century.

5.    Doddahulugappa Goutam and Gopalakrisha BV (2019), “Will you Trust the Faceless? Exploration of Antecedents and Consequences of E-Trust in E-commerce Environment”, Marketing Mix- New Trend of 21st Century.

6.    Doddahulugappa Goutam and Gopalakrisha BV (2019), “Website Recommendation: Antecedents of Emotional Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention among Working Adults Online Shoppers”, Marketing Mix- New Trend of 21st Century.

7.    Poornima and Gopalakrishna BV (2023) ESG Investment and Sustainability Reporting: A Systematic Review for Future Research in Digital Economy Post COVID-19 Era, Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics (Scopus)


Contact us

Prof. Ritanjali Majhi
Head, School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka
Post: Srinivasanagar, Surathkal, Mangalore - 575025
Karnataka, India.
Hot line: 0824-2474031


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