Legal Environment

Course Name: 

Legal Environment (SM733)






Functional Courses

Credits (L-T-P): 

(2-0-0) 2


Nature of contract requirements & classifications – discharge of contract – remedies for the breach- quasi contract – contingent contract. Sale of goods act - sale, agency, negotiable instruments act, nature and requisites instruments, transfer of negotiable instruments, holder in due course special rules for cheques banks, discharge of negotiable instruments. Partnership act - nature of the companies, kinds of companies – formation and incorporation of a company, memorandum of association, Articles of Association and prospectus, company management, company meetings (board and general), majority rule and minority protection, compromises, arrangements. Reconstruction and amalgamation – winding up. Competition, / FEMA, consumer protection, right to information act. Special economic zones, environment & business, business and the ip regime, WTO.


1. Kapoor, N.D.,Mercantile Law, Sultan Chand & Sons, 28th Ed.
2. Majumdar, A.K. and Kapoor, G.K., Company Law and Practice, Taxmans Publications, New Delhi, Revised 2000.


Humanities, Social Sciences and Management

Contact us

Prof. Ritanjali Majhi
Head, School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka
Post: Srinivasanagar, Surathkal, Mangalore - 575025
Karnataka, India.
Phone: 0824-2473200 (Office)
Hot line: 0824-2474031


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