
  • Mr. Ashwin Jayaram of School of Management has been adjudged as the winner of National Level B-School Competition Mulyankan on 15 September 2017
  • Dr. Pradyot Ranjan Jena received the 2017 ARER Best Advisor Award based on his excellent advising of Sabina Khatri Karki regarding the paper Fair Trade Certification and Livelihoods: A Panel Data Analysis of Coffee-growing Households in India published last year in ARER (coauthored by Sabina, Pradyot Ranjan Jena, and Ulrike Grote)
  • Dr. S. Pavan Kumar, Assistant Professor, School of Management has received “Best Research Paper Award” for the paper on “Antecedents of Employee Turnover Intention in Indian Automotive Industry” at 3rd International Conference on “Applied Business and Economic Research”, held in New Delhi during 30-31 July 2016. The event was organized by Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi and co-organized by Cochin University & Annamalai University.  More than 75 participants from prestigious universities such as NITs, IITs, and IIMs  presented their research work. Participants from other countries such as Italy, New Zealand, Oman, Indonesia, Syria, and Malaysia also participated.
  • Ms. Tanupriya ,Research Scholar and Dr. Dhishna Pannikot , Assistant Prof.  from the School of Management  are conferred  the best paper award  for the paper titled 'Exploring Kinesthetics of Gender Identity through Select Transgender Autobiographies' by the International Journal of English and Literature,2016.
  • Research paper of Mr. Bibhudatta Dash has been selected for publication and presentation at the University of Oxford, UK. The research paper of Mr. Bibhudatta Dash (Research Scholar, School of Management) entitled “Displacement and Resettlement: Redefining the Sociocultural Positioning of South Asian Migrants in Select Diasporic Literature” has been selected for presentation and publication in the 8th Global Conference of the Diasporas Research Stream: A Culture, Traditions, Societies Project at the University of Oxford, UK.
  • Dr. Sunil D’Souza and Professor A.H. Sequeira has won the ‘best competitive paper award’ for their outstanding research work  on “Inclusive growth in Enhancing healthcare service quality”, I8 December, 2015 by the jury of International management research academy, London and Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore ,at IIM- Bangalore.
  • 2nd Best Paper award for the paper titled “Legal Insider Trading Behaviour: Empirical Evidence from India”. Authored by Anil Kumar and co-authored by Dr. Rajesh Acharya. Presented in “PhD Consortium 2015” organized by Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management, IIT Bombay during November 30 to December 1, 2015, got 2nd Best Paper award.
  • Aswin Mathen and Ganesh Gopakumar is awarded with Certificate of Appreciation for Runner Up at the event CZARS of Commerce at Vista 2015, Forum for Industrial Interaction IIM Bangalore.
  • NITK MBA has been awarded “ABP News National Education Award 2015 for B - School with industry related curriculum in Information Technology”
  • Ashmita Shukla has been selected by Money4drive for their Summer Internship Program 2015.
  • Mr. Shiva Kumar S M , MBA 1st year student of NITK, Surathkal  has got selected for Volvo international internship as the Volvo international intern in the role of Human Capital Planning Analyst at Greensboro City, North Carolina,USA.The internship would be commencing from May 2015 for a period of about 3 months.
    Click Here
  • Ritika Jaiswal (Research Scholar) has participated as speaker in panel discussion of India International Bullion Summit -2014 on 4th and 5th October at Mumbai organised by India Bullion & Jewellers Association Ltd. The research article cum book titled " An Empirical Investigation of Dynamism of Interrelationship in Gold, Silver, Bond and Stock from the Lens of Conventional Wisdom: An Indian perspective" authored by Ritika Jaiswal and co-authored by Dr. Rashmi Uchil, was launched at this event.
  • NITK-MBA ranked 42 by
  • NITK-MBA ranked 78 by
  • Bijuna C Mohan: Received the ABP News National B –School Award 2012, for Best Professor Teaching Advertising Management.
  • Claret Mendonca and A.H. Sequeira gets Best paper Award: A paper titled "Women Entrepreneurship for Economic Growth and Development: A Framework" authored by Mrs. Claret Mendonca (PhD Research Scholar) and co-authored by Prof. A.H. Sequeira, was presented at the International Research Conference on 6th and 7th March, 2014 at Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai and the paper received the "Award for Outstanding Research Paper ".
  • Dhishna P: Adjudged Rev Father Lawerence Sundharam Gold Medal for the Best Meritorious Ph D Scholar in English, Pondicherry Central University, 2010.
  • Rajesh Acharya H: Received Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Scholarship Scheme for Faculty Members- 2014.
  • S Pavan Kumar: Outstanding research paper award for the paper on “Assessing the relationship between participating in decision making and organizational citizenship behavior: Mediating role of organizational commitment” presented at HR Summit (High-Tech people, High-Touch HR: Are we missing the human touch?), Organized by Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK), February 8-10, 2013.
  • S Pavan Kumar: Member on Advisory Board of “MIVO Software Technology Solutions Private Limited”, Hyderabad from 05.03.2014.
  • S Pavan Kumar: Member on Advisory Board of “WorCla Tra” a Start-up Company located in Indore, India.
  • Shashikantha Koudur: Awarded the Charles Wallace Short Research Grant to conduct short independent research in United Kingdom, covering the in-UK expenses in the year 2014-15.
  • Savita Bhat: Received Award for Excellence in Thesis Work for the year 2009-10 at the 48th Convocation-Session-I of Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, held on 6th August 2010.
  • Sreejith Alathur: Received the Highly Commended Outstanding Doctoral Research Award in the Management and Governance category from Emerald in 2013.

Contact us

Prof. Ritanjali Majhi
Head, School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka
Post: Srinivasanagar, Surathkal, Mangalore - 575025
Karnataka, India.
Phone: 0824-2473200 (Office)
Hot line: 0824-2474031


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